Хостел "Радужный" Харьков 2012


(050) 300 08 25

(067) 574 55 60

Where to stay a big company in Kharkov

You decide to stay in the hostel a great company, and can withdraw hostel for a day or more. Or did you decide to rent a room in a hostel for a long time and live in Kharkov time. You did the right thing. Hostel is a great option if you need to not only housing for rent in Kharkov, and you still want to have a good time in an interesting company. Visit the site kharkov-hostels.com.ua, book your place in a cheap hostel in Kharkov, and go.

Evenings in shared lounge - this time of fun and interesting dialogue. And when you're already got acquainted and told stories of life, and you can play. There are a lot of games for fun company. Here are just some of them.

For example, the game "works."

Each one takes a piece of paper and a pencil or pen. And in turn, the questions are asked. Who? Where? With who? When? Etc. In the worksheet, you need to write a response, fold a sheet so as not to be seen written and passed around. The game continues until enough imagination and place on plates. Then a funny essays are read aloud. Believe me, going to be fun!
If someone has a toy cars (well, you never know, someone traveling with children), then we can take a couple, tie them long filaments. At the other end should be tied pencils. Players need, winding yarn on pencils, "bring" their car. Who was the first on the right - the winner!
For each player to two glasses, one with water, the other empty, and the need for a cocktail straw. Players need from the same glass with a straw "relocate" the water into an empty glass. Who was the first - the winner!
Like a chicken with his paw.
On the floor is to decompose the paper and to the feet of the players stick markers. Now you need to write on a piece of a small message. The winner is the one whose message can be read.
We sit in a row or a circle. The first player's ear neighbor said any word, the one on the ear should be reported to their association, the third - in an effort to present the subject, gives the next word, and so on, the latter says the word out loud. Laughter will be! The output of the sun can get a cow.
Hopefully these games for fun company to help you enjoy your time in the hostel, to find new friends or just while away the evening in good company.

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