Cheap hotels for students in Kharkov
Perhaps not everyone in this country still know what a hostel. But the students all over the world have long expensive hotels prefer these cheap hotels where you can stay as a group. The system of hostels in Ukraine has declared itself in the process of preparing the country for Euro2012 and rapidly gaining market because low-cost housing for students in Kharkiv earlier meant only bed in the dormitory. A cozy hostel and a great alternative to hotels and hostels. Confirmation of this can be found at
There is an opinion that the hostel - this is such a cheap student flophouse. Perhaps the fact that the word hostel with an English translation as a student residence. But in fact, it was originally a European system for placement of guests for a few days or weeks, which provides a bed in a room with no additional amenities. It is believed that the first hostel appeared in Germany in 1909, when the school teacher Richard Shirman organizing accommodations for travelers poorer students directly in the classroom of the school. Although this championship contested by the French, who believe that their students organized a hostel in 1907. Now, France - the country where the largest number of hotels here, where you can rent cheap comfortable room for the session. A system of hostels in America began its work in the 30's of last century.
Worldwide, about 31 million travelers use the services of hostels. It offers bed in the room for a few people, the bathroom and kitchen shared, for the preservation of things in most hostels offer safes. Usually, the whole room was completely removed by a single company, but you can rent a place in a hostel and yourself and make new friends and acquaintances. Recently the room was divided into male and female, although there are no hostels and gender division.
Blue triangle with a hut and a tree - a kind of seal of approval issued by the International Federation of Youth Hostel for compliance with established standards in 1994. Hostels are wild, they organize themselves temporarily travelers, and entire networks or systems - such as "HI" (Hostelling International) or French "FUAJ" (Federation Unie des Auberges de Jeunesse). Youth Hostels, Ostelli per la Gioventu, Jugendherbergen, Albergues Juveniles and so now there's even hostels in Japan.